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If you want to promote your dental clinic, it’s hard to know where to start. Learn the basics of dental digital marketing and bring more smiles to your clinic.
Are you looking for ways to take your dental clinic to the next level?
The easiest way to do this is through dental digital marketing. There are many aspects to digital marketing and it can all get a bit confusing. However, if you’re able to sort through the clutter you can gain new patients for your dental clinic.
There are certain digital techniques that you need to master to see the growth in your clinic that you desire. Here’s a look at how to use digital marketing to attract new patients.
- Optimize your Google My Business
- Promote a free cleaning day or free product
- Leverage Landing Pages
- Add Alt-Titles for service page images
- Create local pages using city, town, or states in the URL
- Create Facebook Ads for marketing to targeted audiences
- Maintain a frequent social media and blog content
- Edit past blog content for Google to notice and recrawl
- Customer-first content should be first priority

Make Sure That Your Website is Mobile-Friendly
Your website needs to adjust and be visually appealing if someone is viewing it on their phone or their tablet. The majority of people who visit your website will be doing so from their smartphones. You want to make sure that they have the optimal viewing experience.
If they see a poor design, they will bounce off your website. This will affect your bounce rate and it will signal to search engines like Google that your website doesn’t have much value even if this is not the case.
Allow Online Bookings
Many people prefer not to call to make their appointments. Once they’re already browsing your website they would prefer if they could just book an appointment after they finish browsing.
Another great way to communicate and get bookings is to have live chat available on your website. Many people also like live chats because they get their questions answered immediately, instead of emailing back and forth.
Cosmetic Dentistry Services
We’ve seen so many dental offices that bunch together their dental services on page with over 10 services which doesn’t help your patient with a stream-lined approach to having them fill out a form or inquire. We suggest if you need a landing page for your dental practice to cut-out the fluff and get straight to what you offer, show off a couple awards and experience accolades. But most importantly keep your contact form on that page to the very top. The more inviting a form is and ease of use the better chances of them submitting their information on the form for a dental consultation.
Think of who your patient’s age group is, what’s the most common dental procedure or service you can target to get a new patient coming in the door. This will vary from location and age group, we believe in fun, caring, and patient focused advertising is best to use because there’s people who don’t feel comfortable at the dentists. So think about the best way to craft your headline for your landing page coming from a social post or just a Facebook Ad that is promoting your dentist office location.
Create Better Landing Pages and Start a Blog
Many dentists don’t like to have long landing pages because they feel that it will distract the visitor. However, if you have a longer landing page that is informative, contains eye-catching pictures and great information it will help you rank in search engines. Google prefers longer content and it will also establish you as an expert in the field.
If you haven’t already, you need to create a blog. Do not just post a few pieces of content and never post anything again.
To have a successful blog that drives traffic to your website you need to update it regularly with targeted and specific keywords for your niche. Put links in your blog to articles on your website and link out to other sites as well.
Dental Digital Marketing with Social Media
You should be on as many social media platforms as possible. This is the only way to put yourself in front of the people who will be interested in your services.
However, even if people are not following you on social media and are visiting your website you should make it easy for them to share the content of your website by adding social media buttons.
Grow Your Clinic
With the techniques outlined here, it will be easier for you to use dental digital marketing to take your clinic to the next level. Using the right dental marketing tips consistently is the only way to grow your clinic.
When you combine a range of strategies you are more likely to see results. If you would like help with digital marketing please contact us.